27: Open Mike F/W 2007


For this 10th anniversary issue, several people who have written for Harvard Design Magazine before were invited to explore whatever was of concern to them now, free of any prescribed topic.

Table of Contents


“What Can I Learn from You?”: A Case for Increasing Cross-Disciplinary Engagement in (the GSD’s) Design Education

Alex Krieger

101 Urban Salvations: One Class’s Performance of Everyday Urbanism

Margaret Crawford

An Open Letter to Rem Koolhaas

George Baird

Blowfish: What to Do When a Design Jury Attacks

GSD Classes of 1999 and 2000, Joshua Comaroff, Ray Chung

Come Together: Integrating Design

Jonathan F.P. Rose

Design for Rising Sea Levels

Jonathan Barnett, Kristina Hill

Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises Edited by Architecture for Humanity

Jim Kennedy

Housing, Immigration, and Fairness: Learning from San Ysidro

Andrew Ross

Landscapes as Complex Adaptive Systems: Vital New Territories for Design and Planning

Joe Brown

Losing Faith in Architecture

Luis Fernández-Galiano

More Irrational Exuberance, Please: Playgrounds as Public Space in the Broken-Up City

Liane Lefaivre

Observations about Contemporary Design Pedagogy: The GSD Studioscope Conference

Timothy Love

On Not Being Governed

Dave Hickey

Planning and the Just City

Susan Fainstein

Renzo Piano and the Res Publica: Manhattan 2000-2008

Kenneth Frampton

The Crystal World: Frank Gehry’s IAC

Reinhold Martin

Ultraviolet: Alvar Aalto’s Embodied Rationalism

Sarah Williams Goldhagen

Views of Harlem over Time

Camilo José Vergara